Adolphus Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Adolphus Press publishes poetry, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art/photography. We specialize in helping emerging artist and unknown writers advance in the literary world.  We seek work that astounds and moves us.


We accept all submissions through submittable. Please include all submissions in one DOC or PDF file. No email submissions will be read.

*We do not accept science fiction, erotica, westerns, horror, or children's stories.

Poetry: Please send 3-5 poems at a time, but no more than five pages. We also welcome recordings of writers reading their poetry. All poetry should be single-spaced.

Art: All visual art/medium is accepted in .GIF, .JPEG, .PNG at high resolution. Images that are less than 100 pixels per inch (ppi) will be automatically rejected. Art submissions must include a minimum of two images and a maximum of six. We accept artwork of all kinds, including paintings, photographs, and digital etc. Please send image files in one submission either as multiple image files.

Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction & Prose: We accept all works between 100-5,000 words that are double-spaced count. We ask that your piece be submitted in its most complete, edited, and proofread form.

Only previously unpublished work will be considered for publication. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere by making a note of withdrawals using Submittable's "add a note to this submission" function.

Response time: We are honored to receive your work, and try diligently to respond in 3 months or less.  After that time, you are welcome to query editor{at}

Compensation: Unfortunately, we cannot offer any sort of payment beyond publication at this time, but you will have our eternal gratitude for sharing your work with us, and we'll definitely share your work on our social media platforms. 

All rights revert to the author upon publication in Adolphus Journal (AJ), and your work may then be published afterwards; we just ask that AJ gets recognition as the site of first publication. We also ask that if you have been a previous contributor, please wait at least three issues before resubmitting.

Please make sure to specify the genre ( poetry, fiction, non-fiction, art etc.) of your piece in the description! And include the title, your name, email address, genre, and word count of the piece on the first page of your submission.

To help defray hosting costs, we charge a $4.00 submission fee.

We look forward to reading and enjoying your work. 

Adolphus Press